
Constipation and Your Child

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Constipation is a common problem in children. Children with constipation have stools (also called poops or bowel movements [BMs]) that are hard, dry, and difficult or painful to get out. Some children with constipation have infrequent stools. Although constipation can cause discomfort and pain, it's usually temporary. If left untreated, symptoms could get worse.

Here is information from the American Academy of Pediatrics about constipation (signs and symptoms, causes, treatment) and how to help your child develop good bowel habits.

What is a normal bowel pattern?

Bowel patterns (when and how often stools are passed) vary from child to child just as they do in adults. What's normal for your child may be different from what's normal for another child. Most children have BMs 1 or 2 times a day. Other children may have BMs every 2 to 3 days.

What are signs and symptoms of constipation?

Signs and symptoms of constipation may include

Your child may also

Call or schedule a visit with your child's doctor if your child doesn't have a BM at least every 2 to 3 days or if passing a stool hurts your child.

What is encopresis?

Sometimes a child with bad constipation may pass BMs that look like diarrhea. When a child holds back stools, the stools build up and get bigger. They may get so big that the rectum stretches. Then the child may not feel the urge to go to the bathroom. The stool gets too big to pass without an enema, laxative, or other treatment.

Sometimes only liquid stool or solid smears can come out, and they leak onto the underwear. This is called encopresis. Talk with your child's doctor about treatment. It can get better, but it takes months.

What causes constipation?

Here are some causes of constipation.

How is constipation treated?

Treatment is based on your child's age and how bad the problem is. Usually no special tests are needed.

Constipation can get worse if it isn't treated. The longer stool stays inside the large intestine (or colon), the larger and drier it gets. Then it hurts to pass it. This starts a cycle. The child becomes afraid to have a BM and holds it in even more.

For babies

Constipation is not commonly a problem in babies. It may become a problem when starting solid foods, and your doctor may suggest changes in diet or prescribe a medicine to help soften and pass the stools. Inability to pass stools in a newborn (younger than 1 month) can be a serious concern, and you should see your baby's doctor.

For children and teens

Your child's doctor may prescribe medicine to soften or remove the stool. Do not give your child laxatives or enemas unless you check with the doctor. These drugs can be harmful to children if used wrong.

After the stool is removed, your child's doctor may suggest ways you can help your child develop good bowel habits to prevent stools from backing up again.

How can I help my child develop good bowel habits?

Here are tips to help your child develop good bowel habits.

How much fiber does my child need?

There are different fiber recommendations for children based on energy needs, age, and weight. A normal fiber intake is recommended in children with constipation. The following can be useful strategies:


If you have any questions or concerns about your child's health, contact your child's doctor.

The information contained in this publication should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances. Information applies to all sexes and genders; however, for easier reading, pronouns such as he are used in this publication.