
How to Take Your Child's Temperature

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Your temperature (TEM-pruh-chur) is how warm or cold your body is. Normal temperature for a child is 98?F to 99?F or 37?C. The small circle (?) means "degrees." Anything over 100.4?F or 38?C is a fever. (See "Words to Know" for "F" and "C.")

There are many ways to check your child's temperature. Always use a digital (DIJ-uh-tul) thermometer (thur-MOM-uh-tur). These show the temperature in numbers in a little window.

Don't use a mercury thermometer (the kind with silver liquid inside). They are dangerous if they break.

This is how you read and say the temperature:

100.2? This means "One hundred point two degrees." 102? This means "One hundred and two degrees."

Be sure to read it carefully. There is a big difference between 100.2? and 102?.

In Child's Bottom (Rectal)

In Child's Mouth (Oral)

Under Child's Arm (Axillary)

Taking Temperature by Age

Child's Age

Ways to Take Temperature

Newborn to 3 months old

In child's bottom (rectal)

3 months to 3 years old

In child's bottom (rectal) or under child's arm (axillary)*

4 to 5 years old

In child's mouth (oral) or bottom (rectal) or under child's arm (axillary)*

Older than 5 years

In child's mouth (oral) or bottom (rectal) or under child's arm (axillary)*

*Taking your child's temperature in the mouth or bottom gives a better reading than taking it under the arm.
